Monday, March 26, 2007

Wingstock 07

Wingstock is on the Horison and I hope y'all are making some sauce so hot that i melts the bowl... Sat is gonna be fun!


Well late on the post, sos.


Dave indicates where the top is

Internation bob of mistery dips into the big bag of sketch and commences lift off

Slash dog J the 'Alright boy WAS' ON' Newton.

It's a fresh bit but not really powder as we know it!

er, what can I say
Crew plus random Frenchie.
Finter not talking!!!!!!!!

Captain Slow looking very slick.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Off Boarding

Well the time is upon us and we are off to Les Arcs tomorrow. Can't wait!! Snow seems good, with hopefully some more falling during the week for some off piste powder! Piccies when we get back...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

How Rad?

Posh sent me this on e-mail and it was so good, I though I'd share it with the world... Is it me or does that dude on the left look well like really like Jason Donavan trying to squeeze out a poo, whilt doing something quite rad and early nineties on his sweet ride? Also, on a Neighbours theme, that looks a bit like Stingray on the right, too!