Sunday, November 02, 2008

Possibly the best Sunday EVER?

Well, big claims, I hear you say. Exactly right...

Fireworks and some rocking out to JL's band down the Craufurd helped set the scene on Saturday night...

Wake up. Daryl's on time from the South, Bacon sandwich and off! Straight to a very rain soaked Woburn, where the idea was to have a chilled and fun session, doing a few jumps and not killing ourselves. We had a great time running some of the soggy runs and trying to work some lines. The fact that the jump spot is so close to the car park, made me force a photographic mission, so after those sweet warm up runsof warm up runs, we hit the the hip line and broke out the camera. The following ensued!






Pretty happy with the one hander (even though small), but Daryl was killing it and we had an awesome day!

Even better, we got homr in time for the Grand Prix, for the most exciting race of the season and nice one Lewis for winning in the most tense 3 minutes ever!!!!

After which, Steffi had an amazing roast on the table in minutes and the new top Gear was on. WALLOP!!!!

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